Dance As Fire
The first dance development school
Our aim is to shed light on the 7 intelligences that allow the dancer to express oneself at his best.
Very often in our thirty years of experience it is a fact that there is a huge difference between knowing something and knowing how to do it, bringing it to life.
The Perform System was created with this purpose, from knowledge to materialization
Who we are
Danceasfire limited is the first dance training school in the dance world, born from the idea of Massimo Giorgianni and Alessia Manfredini, who are the ambassadors of Danceasfire.
We are Alessia Manfredini and Massimo Giorgianni, former dancers, eight-time world sports dance champions, researchers, writers, and great enthusiasts in delving into all those techniques that allow people to express themselves at their best during their performances, whether they are life dance or work dance.
Our career as professional dancers, where we proudly represented Italy, gave us the opportunity to gain a lot of experience in both performing and coaching people from different nations all over the world, from America, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, England, Germany, etc.etc., allowed us to understand the importance of knowing how to act, whether it is in dance, work, life, sports, this does not matter, because it is the person who makes the difference in all these realities, it is a process from the inside out.
When You Act You Win
Dancing at a high level has been a means of being able to express ourselves through rhythm, body, technique and tenacity. This tenacity has spurred us to always give our best, studying to be able to pass on our art to others.
During, but especially after our competitive careers, we deepened our studies on human potential, how the mind works, emotions, and what enables us to give our best, pushing away the doubts that gripped us.
We began the journey as dancers, however, discovering that on the career path the essential thing is to find and express our own way of being, going beyond the physical gesture. Inside each of us lives an extraordinary potential, and when this passes through the bodily filter, the magic begins!
Thus, after 15 years of dance and study, Dance As Fire was born!
Today, we want to propose a new and revolutionary system, the Dance As Fire PERFORM System that works on 7 intelligences , the motto is DARE&BE i.e. “dare and act, because only by going beyond one’s momentary limits and achieved by massive actions, we can bring our potential to the surface.
This coaching system is suitable not only for dancers, but also for ordinary people who find it difficult to express themselves and their potential, or who wish to improve themselves.
Dance As Fire is, in fact, a personal development school.