
What is a Coach?

The coach focuses on performance, the generation of change and creation of new behaviors functional to the achievement of the coachee’s or team’s goal.
The responsibility of the coach is to accompany the coachee on his or her growth path without teaching or telling how to do it, but leaving the full responsibility for discovery and actions to be taken to the coachee.
In coaching, one works on what the coachee brings and feels, and the coach is a tool that allows the coachee to look within and discover the present but hidden potential.
The coach is a coach of a person’s personal and professional skills: he accompanies step by step to the achievement of the set goal through concrete actions by bringing out the potential and becoming aware of one’s resources!
The core competencies of a professional coach are related to facilitating learning processes, effective, precise and direct communication, promoting the development of creativity and the acquisition of new perspectives and possibilities.
The main tool of the coach is not “telling” but are “ASKING” and “LISTENING.”